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2015.9-2020.7 完美电竞•(中国)电子竞技-Perfect Esports,,林学院森林保护学科 博士
2011.9-2015.7 完美电竞•(中国)电子竞技-Perfect Esports,,林学院森林资源保护与游憩 学士
2020.9-至今 完美电竞•(中国)电子竞技-Perfect Esports,,林学院森林学学科 讲师
【1】 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,苹果招募叶际微生物拮抗山田胶锈菌侵染的机制解析,32101527,2022.01-2024.12,30万元,主持
【2】 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(第69批),臭氧浓度变化对青杨叶锈病发病的影响及病理学机制研究,2021M690418,2021.07-2022.12,8万元,主持
【3】 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,臭氧胁迫下青杨叶锈病发病加剧与叶际微生物群落的关系研究,2021ZY02,2021.06-2022.12,12万元,主持
【4】 中国科学院植物研究所,植物-土壤反馈框架下植物和土壤化学计量特征分析,2022.04-2022.12,6万,主持
【5】 中国科学院植物研究所,栎树异交群植物和土壤化学计量特征分析,2023.05-2023.12,10万,主持
【6】 国家自然科学基金面上项目,胶锈菌与寄主协同进化中专化性选择机制形成的分子解析,31870628,2019.01-2022.12,68万元,参与
【7】 国家自然科学基金面上项目,中国胶锈菌系统分类及其生活史发育类型的分子解析,31470646,2015.01-2018.12,90万元,参与
[1] Tao SQ, G. F. (Ciska) Veen, Zhang NL*, Yu TH, Qu LY*. (2023). Tree and shrub richness modifies subtropical tree productivity by regulating the diversity and community composition of soil bacteria and archaea. Microbiome, Accepted.
[2] Zhang YX, Cao B, Pan YM, Tao SQ*, Zhang NL*. (2023). Metabolite-mediated responses of phyllosphere microbiota to rust infection in two Malus species. Microbiology Spectrum, 11: e0383122.
[3] Tao SQ, Yin HY, Fang Y, Zhang YX, Zhang NL*, Qu LY*. (2023). Elevated O3 concentrations alter the compartment-specific microbial communities inhabiting rust-infected poplars. Environmental Microbiology, 25:990-1006.
[4] Tao SQ, Zhang YX, Tian CM, Duplessis S, Zhang NL*. (2022). Elevated ozone concentration and nitrogen addition increase poplar rust severity by shifting the phyllosphere microbial community. Journal of Fungi, 8:523.
[5] Tao SQ, Cao B, Kakishima M, Liang YM*. (2020). Species diversity, taxonomy, and phylogeny of Gymnosporangium in China. Mycologia, 112(5):941-973.
[6] Tao SQ, Auer L, Morin E, Liang YM*, Duplessis S*. (2020). Transcriptome analysis of apple leaves infected by the rust fungus Gymnosporangium yamadae at two sporulation stages. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 33(3):444-461.
[7] Tao SQ, Cao B, Morin E, Liang YM*, Duplessis S*. (2019). Comparative transcriptomics of Gymnosporangium spp. teliospores reveals a conserved genetic program at this specific stage of the rust fungal life cycle. BMC Genomics, 20:723.
[8] Tao SQ, Cao B, Tian CM, Liang YM*. (2018). Development and characterization of novel genic-SSR markers in Apple-Juniper rust pathogen Gymnosporangium yamadae (Pucciniales: Pucciniaceae) using next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(4):1178.
[9] Tao SQ, Cao B, Tian CM, Liang YM*. (2017). Comparative transcriptome analysis and identification of candidate effectors in two related rust species (Gymnosporangium yamadae and Gymnosporangium asiaticum). BMC Genomics, 18:651.
[10]Xiong HL, Zhang NL*, Takayoshi K, Tao SQ, Qu LY*. (2023) Tree mycorrhizal types and the interaction between treeand shrub species richness shape soil fungal communitiesin a subtropical forest in China. Plant and Soil. DOI:10.1007/s11104-023-06211-3.
[11] Shao CX, Tao SQ, Liang YM*. (2023). Comparative transcriptome analysis of juniper branches infected by Gymnosporangium spp. highlights their different infection strategies associated with cytokinins. BMC Genomics, 24:173
[12] Wen H, Tao SQ, Liang YM*. (2020). Development of SSR markers from transcriptome data for the pear rust pathogen Gymnosporangium asiaticum. Journal of Phytopathology, 1:12.
[13] Cao B, Tao SQ, Tian CM, Liang YM*. (2018). Coleopuccinia in China and its relationship to Gymnosporangium. Phytotaxa, 347(3):235-242.
[14] Liu Y, Cao B, Tao SQ, Tian CM, Liang YM*. (2018). Phragmidium species parasitizing species of Rosaceae in Tibet, China, with descriptions of three new species. Mycological Progress, 17(8):967-988.
[15] 任雪燕, 陶思齐, 王晓玮, 梁英梅 (2019). 基于全基因组重测序的中国猕猴桃溃疡病菌遗传多样性分析[J]. 植物病理学报. 49(4):500-511.
[16] 刘霞, 陶思齐, 翁涵, 梁英梅 (2019). 山田胶锈菌和亚洲胶锈菌吸器提取体系建立[J]. 菌物学报. 38(9):1430-1439.
2018.9-2019.9 法国农业研究所南锡中心(INRAE-Nancy)生态基因组 联合培养博士